I’m currently a senior art director at YouTube overseeing art direction, design strategy, and motion design for YouTube’s generative AI creation tools.

My work is centered somewhere in-between product design, animation, and machine learning.

Senior Art Director, YouTube
July 2022 – Present
I lead the exploration and experimentation of generative AI and other emerging capabilities in search of new artistic possibilities and innovative visual styles.
I’m usually wearing a few different hats; juggling agency engagements, collaborating with engineers, researchers, and designers, or crafting delightful product animations.

Designer, YouTube
July 2019 – 2022
I led UX for YouTube Shorts’ camera and editor creation surfaces. I designed and oversaw implementation of 10+ creation features, and daily active creators grow from 0 to 5M+.

Motion lead, Google
2015 – July 2019
I led motion design for the Google Analytics video production team. I animated hundreds of motion graphic explainer videos, produced livestreams to educate Google’s largest advertising and marketing partners, and edited videos for the Google Analytics YouTube channel with over 470K subscribers.
